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SEBI Registered: Research Analyst | Investment Adviser | Call: +91 97730 15000 | Email: research@stockaxis.com
May 07, 2018
|We are pleased to present to you our monthly market commentary and outlook for the forthcoming month. The ‘stockaxis’ Market Intelligence’ is a quick update on the markets for the month gone by and our view for the next month. Use our sharp and crisp synopsis to continue building your wealth!
With the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasting normal monsoons (with expected rainfall of about 97% of the long-term average) and a strong likelihood of the government raising the minimum support prices (MSP) for agricultural produce, the rural sector is on the threshold of a period of strong growth. The government has announced a minimum 50% margin to farmers and has budgeted for a 20% increase in the allocation for food subsidies in Budget 2018. Additionally, a number of states have announced waivers for farm loans amounting to about US$19bn, which, in turn, will increase the disposable income in farmers’ hands. The consumer sector earns about half its revenues from the rural economy. Companies with high rural exposure are expected to see robust growth in top line and profitability as a result of increasing rural prosperity.
We, at stockaxis, are constantly on the lookout for great businesses run by honest promoters that are available at the right price with sufficient margin of safety. Our stringent stock selection guidelines and clearly stipulated entry and exit points make equity investing a ‘rich’ experience for our investors!